Make a Reservation

Make a reservation request for a hermitage by completing the information below and submitting it to us.

A two or three night minimum for a spiritual retreat is recommended as it takes time to enter into solitude and prayer.

When we receive your reservation request, we will send you an email confirmation with the name of your hermitage, the cost for your visit, and additional information including how to make payment.


The rate for one night or a one-day visit is $50. 

The weekly discount rate for 7 days, 6 nights is $250.

We are able to keep our costs low because of donations made by generous supporters of this ministry. All donations are tax deductible.

Arrival and Departure Times

Check-in time is 2-4pm on the day you arrive. Check-out is before 12 noon on the day you depart. Tell us if you need earlier or later times in the Comments section.


To make a reservation request, complete all the items below:

Visit Intention :

What brings you to VOP at this time? What is your heart seeking?

Contact information :

Name :
Address :
City :
State :
Zip :
Phone :
Email :

Requested Dates :

Arrival Date :
Arrival Time :
Departure Date :
Departure Time :

General Preferences :


Hermitage Preferences :


Spiritual Requests :


Emergency Contact :

Name :
Phone :

Referred by :

Comments :

Please enter the
4 characters displayed :

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